FAQs (for Photographers)

Useful information to help photographers use the PhotoSesh Photographer App as a tool to supplement their existing business with some extra job.

How do I show that I’m available for gigs in locations other than my home base? (i.e. traveling to another city for a couple weeks and would like to make some extra money)
If you’re traveling, you can easily get requests at new locations. Simply change your where-a-bouts in your PhotoSesh profile (Profile>Basic Details). Th...
Tue, 12 Sep, 2017 at 12:40 AM
What's my cut of the total earnings when I work with a PhotoSesh customer?
Photographers get an 80% gross payout on each transaction once they're a partner! To become an official partner, a photographer would have to complete o...
Tue, 15 Oct, 2024 at 11:59 PM
Why can't I accept payment directly from the customer?
We DO NOT allow direct payment for services between PhotoSesh customers and PhotoSesh photographers! The payment must be processed securely within the a...
Tue, 12 Sep, 2017 at 12:43 AM
Are taxes taken out of my pay for services?
No, they are not. As an independent contractor you are responsible for applicable taxes on goods, services, and income tax within your jurisdiction. We will...
Tue, 12 Sep, 2017 at 12:44 AM
1099-K and Reporting income from PhotoSesh
UPDATE - ANNOUNCEMENT FROM IRS November 27, 2023: https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/irs-announces-2023-form-1099-k-reporting-threshold-delay-for-third-party-p...
Tue, 30 Jan, 2024 at 2:11 PM
I’m not a professional but I love taking pictures, can I join PhotoSesh as a photographer?
If you can pass a background check, you love people, and your portfolio is of quality work, you should without a doubt apply. But be aware, the competition ...
Tue, 12 Sep, 2017 at 12:46 AM
Is there a step-by-step guide for setting up my profile, portfolio, and availability?
Yes there is!  CLICK HERE for a quick guide to setting up your profile, portfolio, and availability!  Also found in your "Camera Bag" within the a...
Wed, 20 Mar, 2019 at 1:38 AM
Submitting & Updating Direct Deposit Info & W9
First make sure you have the latest updated iOS app for PhotoSesh Photographers to Login. Here is a direct link into the App Store to Update your App:  Pho...
Sat, 10 Feb, 2024 at 11:02 AM