We DO NOT allow direct payment for services between PhotoSesh customers and PhotoSesh photographers!
The payment must be processed securely within the app as the customer's credit card is already on file with us. As soon as you conclude the service, the card will be charged securely. If payment does not come through our system, it is a breach of our Terms of Use and is not protected by us in anyway.
If the payment is not processed within the app, the customer will not be protected by our guarantee, the photographer's payment will not be protected by our credit card authorization process, it also prevents us from tracking any payments, does not allow the customer to review you, and quite frankly doesn't compensate PhotoSesh in any way for the service provided in connecting you to Photosesh customers.
We have thousands of photographers in our marketplace and we hope you understand our cashless, secure way of transacting business to better serve you and the customers.
Gratuity can obviously be accepted directly : )